Applying science to care.

Medavera identifies gaps in knowledge and care, methodically researches the subject matter, identifies the top experts to guide the content, and then utilizes a format that will provide the best learning opportunity. We are always looking for new teaching methods and technologies in order to offer stimulating and actionable medical education. Medical education must be meaningful to become applied to clinical practice. Great content, respected leaders, and interesting formats create successful interactions and learning.
Many new mothers aren’t aware that postpartum PTSD even exists, but it’s far from rare. Here's what to know.... See how one person manages the ups and downs of major depressive disorder -- and how her depression inspired her career as a therapist.... A therapist talks about managing major depressive disorder (MDD): what to expect, strategies for dealing with setbacks, and when to talk to your therapist.... Learn from a mental health advocate how the stigma of depression is changing and how acceptance is the first step to managing major depressive disorder.... A person with major depressive disorder shares how they talk about their condition with others.... Major depressive disorder (MDD) at work: tips, strategies, who to tell, what to do, and asking for accommodations.... Not all exercises are created equal. Some are simply more efficient than others, whether they target multiple muscle groups, are suitable for a wide variety of fitness levels, or help you burn calories more effectively.... These tips will help you enjoy the foods at social events when you have ulcerative colitis and still steer clear of a flare.... Ulcerative colitis is a relapsing-remitting disease, so it’s hard to predict symptoms over time. Here’s what to expect and how to recognize remission.... Friendship can be a good medicine when you have ulcerative colitis. Learn how to keep your social life going when you don’t always feel like going out.... Curious if your body’s aging is normal? WebMD discusses healthy and normal signs of aging.... Your dietary needs change as you age. WebMD advises what should be on your grocery list.... After falling for over a decade, the death rate climbed for several years and now is about the same as in 1999.... There are far more powerful motivators than “get abs!” to help you start an exercise routine you’ll stick to.... The goalpost for old age has been moving. Until now.... More than 1 million Americans live with Crohn’s, a chronic and sometimes crippling bowel disease that affects the intestines and leads to digestive issues. But in 2024, breakthroughs could bring relief in different ways. Here's what to know.... How realistic is the Grey’s Anatomy episode that shows a Parkinson’s disease cure? A neurosurgery professor weighs in.... You shouldn’t draw major conclusions about the safety of marijuana amid the recent announcement that federal regulators may reclassify the drug, experts are cautioning.... A new study suggests female doctors may provide patients better care, especially when those patients are women. Here's what to know.... Eliseo Pérez-Stable, MD, director of the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, talks about health disparities and how his studies aim to improve interventions in clinical settings and across communities.... A data scientist who has accurately predicted COVID waves since the beginning of the pandemic warns that a surge is on the horizon.... New Season Brings Boost of Energy, but Also Unplanned Pregnancies... With age, your body doesn’t absorb nutrients well, so every calorie you consume must be packed with nutrition. Here are 9 nutrients older adults often need more of.... How does getting older affect your immune system? How can you keep those effects to a minimum? Your answers are here.... Staying healthy as you enter your golden years has a lot to do with your diet. Here are some foods that are good for your heart, your brain, your bones, and your muscles.... Trouble chewing and swallowing? WebMD shares six ways to make everything go down a little easier.... Losing your hearing, or learning a loved one is, can bring about a range of uncomfortable emotions. Here's how you can deal with this tough transition.... Before there was Ozempic, there were these cost-friendly, safe, and highly effective weight loss drugs. FDA-approved obesity medication like orlistat (Xenical), phentermine/topiramate (Qsymia), and naltrexone/bupropion extended release (Contrave) have been on the market for decades.... Learn how genes and lifestyle interact to affect your health over the course of your life.... You’ll need to plan for health care if you live in a rural area.... Unsure what to say to best support your partner as he faces prostate cancer? Get guidance on what to say and what to avoid.... People in jails and prisons are entitled to health care, but it’s not always easy to access.... Finding mental health help can be harder in rural areas. Find out more about where to find resources.... If you currently don’t have reliable housing, you may want to know about health care for people who are experiencing homelessness.... Learn how you can reach out and help people who live without shelter in a safe and useful way.... Safe sex is important at any age, but there are some issues that may be more common after 50.... Some of the most horrific images from the war so far have come from a maternity hospital in Mariupol bombed by Russian troops in mid-March. The upheaval spurs a troubling question: Could the stress and condition of war affect a fetus?... The meaning of gender-affirming care for young people, and what it looks like on the ground, isn’t always clear. The cloud of politics surrounding it has obscured the medical reality of how and when trans youth can get the treatments they seek.... What to expect at the doctor’s office, hospitals, and long-term care facilities, the future of telemedicine, and how to get the best care during COVID-19.... How do drug formularies work? Learn more about your health insurer's list of preferred drugs and how it can save you money.... Should you shop around for prescription drugs? Learn ways to compare drug prices to find more affordable options.... The risk of having a stroke, and dying of one, is higher for Black Americans than for other racial and ethnic groups. Find out why – and what helps prevent strokes.... Mobile stroke units are specially equipped ambulances for stroke patients. Why aren’t they more widespread?... Talking to your doctor about drug costs could help you save on prescriptions. Learn what your doctor can do when you can't afford your medication.... The surgery, known as RK, was considered a successful tool for correcting vision. But in recent years, many of these patients who went on to have cataract surgery are having major post-surgery complications.... Strategies for getting ready to be at your best each morning... Thinking about joining a clinical trial to help your COPD? Jean Rommes shares some of what to expect.... Learn how to treat and manage mild COPD.... If you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you’re probably no stranger to flares. If you take steps to address symptoms early and find ways to minimize triggers, you can dramatically lower your risk of flares.... Edi Mesa made these lifestyle changes in order to keep COPD episodes to a minimum....